Village Green

The Village Green has been an integral part of the village for hundreds of years. It originates from the ‘Gated Village’ where residents could graze their cattle and as such it has provided residents with a focal point on which to live and  enjoy a peaceful and friendly existence.

The current ‘Village Green’ was awarded this status by the Secretary of State to protect it in the early 1960’s and has since been extended to include the area at the side of Rose Cottage in the 1990’s, as seen on the map above. A ‘Village Green’ is defined in the COMMONS REGISTRATION ACT 1965 amended by THE COUNTRYSIDE AND RIGHTS OF WAY ACT 2000, as land which has been allotted by or under any Act for the exercise or recreation of the inhabitants of any locality; or on which the inhabitants of any locality have a customary right to indulge in lawful sport and pastimes.

  • The Village Green is registered with the COMMONS REGISTRATION AUTHORITY (Hartlepool Borough Council), as VG75.

  • The Green is owned and administered by DPPC on behalf of the residents, and they are responsible for its maintenance such as grass cutting, protection from unlawful infringement and use.

  • Unlike most village greens the tracks across the green have been included in the registration and the parish acknowledges the needs of residents to use these tracks to access their current properties and agricultural buildings/land. The inclusion of the tracks is unusual and the parish will ensure that the surface of the tracks is in keeping with their history and appearance in the centre of the village.

Last Updated 25/04/2024