Council Meetings

Council Meetings

Dalton Piercy Parish Council usually meets at 7.00pm on the second Thursday of every month except August, when there is no meeting. Since the closure of Dalton Piercy Village Hall in February 2024, (it is to be demolished and a new building erected), meetings are now held at Elwick WI Hall, and members of the public are welcome to attend.

Members of the public are encouraged to raise any issues, with the Clerk, or a Parish Councillor, well in advance of a meeting, in order that such matters may be put on the agenda. Alternatively, you may attend the meeting in person, to raise concerns, but may only speak during the Public Forum, unless specifically asked to do so by the Chairman under another agenda item. Any issues raised during the meeting are placed as an item on the agenda for the following meeting. This ensures that other members of the public may have the opportunity to speak on the issue before Councillors make a decision on any action required.

The Clerk produces the agenda, which always includes the following items, though not necessarily in this order:

  • approval of the draft minutes of the previous meeting
  • matters arising from that meeting
  • reports on finance
  • any planning applications notified to us by the Borough Council
  • correspondence received and
  • items raised by Councillors or members of the public
  • other items, as deemed necessary by the Clerk - such as the annual budget and precept charge; new policies, etc.

The agenda is sent to Parish and Ward Councillors via e-mail, before being published on the parish notice board and here on the website, at least four days before the meeting.

Draft minutes are circulated in the same way as the agenda, normally within seven days of a meeting. 

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is held in May of each year. At this meeting the Chairman is elected and the Auditors are appointed.  The Annual Meeting usually precedes the normal monthly Parish Council meeting.

Next Meeting Details
  • The Next Meeting will take place at 7.00pm on Thursday 14th November at Elwick WI Hall
Last Updated 15/04/2024